Empowering Abilities, Enriching Lives, Ensuring Equality

About us

Same Life Services is dedicated  to empowering individuals with disabilities. At Same Life, our unwavering belief is that individuals with disabilities are entitled to the same quality of life as any other member of society. 

Sponsored Residential Care

Our Sponsored Residential program offers integrated, community based residential services and supervision for adults with disabilities. Within our sponsored residential home environments, we foster a culture of empowerment, actively promoting the autonomy of individuals. We strongly encourage residents to exercise their freedom of choice and to pursue their desired level of independence. Our dedicated sponsors serve as supportive guides, assisting individuals in navigating the path towards the fulfilling life they aspire to lead.


Our experienced and well-trained Sponsored Residential providers deliver exceptional support, ensuring that you or your loved one receives the best quality of care. Our sponsored homes are scattered throughout Virginia, offering diverse options to cater to different preferences.


Sponsored Residential Providers open their hearts and homes to one or two individuals with developmental disabilities, treating them as cherished members of their family. Our providers come from various backgrounds, including couples, singles, and families with children, all committed to providing essential daily support to enhance the quality of life for those under their care.

Interested in becoming a sponsor?

If you're interested in becoming a sponsor and offering support in your own home, you might be a perfect fit. The basic requirements include a high school diploma or equivalent, experience working with individuals with disabilities, passing a thorough background check, maintaining a safe and secure home environment, and having a private and lockable room for the resident. Sponsors are also required to complete annual trainings.


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